Would you be apart of the gate keepers guild? Agatha Oddly q

Have you read Agatha Oddly by Lena Jones? If so, let's see if you would make a gate keepers guild agent....Oh, if you haven't read the series, then get lost.

Be painfully honest in your answers for best results! Are you a code cracker like Agatha? A full fledged agent like Sofia? Or maybe the boss, like Professor D'Oliveira! Go find out.....

Created by: Madeline Hatter
  1. A stranger comes up to you and shows you a gate keeper key and asks you to meet them at midnight at the London eye. Do you go?
  2. If Professor D'Oliveira asks you to prove your worth by doing a desk job of cracking codes, would you agree?
  3. A see the murderous bank robber the guild has been trying to catch for months. What do you do?
  4. Your caught by some criminals. What do you do?
  5. Pick the job most suited for you, be painfully honest.
  6. If you had two choices: save your captured friend or yourself and the criminal secrets, witch would you choose?
  7. How old are you?
  8. Do you think you and Agatha could be partners in a case?
  9. Can you crack this code: 89!
  10. Would you join if asked?

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