The Keepers of Lurian

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Hey there! This is my first quiz as Japanese_Potato, and I hope you enjoy. Yes, I know that the picture has absolutely nothing to do with the quiz but I just really liked the picture.

The keepers of Lurian are incredibly important. In this quiz, you find out whether you are Sakura, the pretty but fierce guardian, or Lilith, The smart and quick-thinking keeper. Enjoy!!

Created by: Japanese_Potato

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. A fire has broken out at school and you are the first to notice. All pupils are in class and you are alone. How do you React??
  2. The fire is put out, and luckily there is no damage done. People start congratulating you for spotting the fire. What do you do?
  3. Back in class, the teacher leaves the classroom and a few of the jocks start picking on the new kid. They call her names like "Goody girl" and "The fugly noob" You want to stop them. What do you do??
  4. Whatever you did, the boys stopped eventually. It's been 15 minutes and the teacher hasn't arrived yet. What do you do?
  5. Lets say you went to investigate. If you didn't then select option DIDN'T DO IT. You walk through corridors and think it would be best to go from bottom up. You saunter down stairs, and just before you reach the bottom step, a loud noise echoes through the corridor. What do you do?
  6. Which ever you chose, (Press didn't happen if it didn't) you are greeted by silence, and it makes you want to investigate more. You walk down the corridor to find it empty, so you look in the classrooms and see...
  7. Whatever you see, you can't take your eyes from the window. You keep staring until you build up the courage to...
  8. Now this is for those who DIDN'T DO IT. Whatever you actually did, A good-looking boy stops you before you can. You turn around and...
  9. FINAL QUESTION BEFORE SIGN OFF: When the teacher comes back into the classroom she is very red. A cocky girl asks if she was with anyone else and you feel like...
  10. Ok, That's it! Ready to find out who you are?? Ok, But first, what did you think of the quiz?

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