Which Yonder guild should you join?

Which 'Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles ' guild do you belong in? Sorry, I forgot to add Master and Wayfinder by the way, lol. Also There's a typo I can't change where it says 'cooking guild' but I meant chef's guild. Ha.

Are you in Tailor, Constructor, Carpenter, Brewer, Chef or Tinker's guild? By taking this quiz, you can find out which Yonder guild (Excluding wayfinder and master) you should join, unless you already have!

Created by: BurgerGurl1505
  1. What do you like doing most?
  2. What is your dream job?
  3. Which name sound the coolest to you? 😎
  4. Pick a set of items........
  5. If you were taking a vacation in Gemea, where would you go?
  6. If you could buy any one of these items, which would you pick?
  7. Pick a guild symbol. Please.
  8. Emoji picking timeeeeeee
  9. Pick a show......
  10. What's the meaning of life?

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Quiz topic: Which Yonder guild should I join?
