Would we be friends?

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This quiz is if you want to be friend and if you would be a good one ! If you want to be friends just know I am a minor and I would prefer female friends over male ones.

This is only to see if you would be a good friend to me, ps; I need friends! Add my snap, xxzyali and if you want to be friends just be aware I like to talk with alot of energy and I'm not dry.

Created by: Ali
  1. Do you like animals?
  2. Do you support lgbtq?
  3. Do you play video games?
  4. Would you support me having a bf and talking about him
  5. Do you support online dating?
  6. Would you text first?
  7. Do you force your religion onto people? (If your religious)
  8. Are you racist?
  9. Will you talk to my bf if we were to play something?
  10. Do you make fun of peoples appearances?

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