Could we be friends?

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Hello, my name is Jordan (male, 14 yrs) and this is a quiz to see if we would get along and could be friends, or best friends? Who knows? Take this quiz to find out!

This quiz is probably not very accurate because of the questions, but please do comment and leave a good rating if you liked the quiz. That is, if you want to.

Created by: Jordan
  1. Hobbies?
  2. If you play video games (assuming that you do) What type of games do you play?
  3. Do you watch anime?
  4. What genre do you like? (Can be anime or tv show genres)
  5. Are you an extrovert or Introvert?
  6. Whats your style?
  7. How would you describe yourself?
  8. How would you describe yourself?
  9. Do you think we would get along?
  10. Last question, what would you do if someone dropped their money and didn't notice?

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