Would I Be Friends With You?

This quiz will tell me if we could potentially be friends. It goes over personality and interests, as well as hobbies and preferences. It's only a quiz, does not determine anything.

I hope you like the quiz, please consider rating my quiz and commenting your result. I'd love to know if we'd be friends! Would we be friends? Take it and find out.

Created by: WowCrazyInsane
  1. How old are you?
  2. What do you identify as?
  3. Do you consider yourself outgoing?
  4. What's your ideal day with a friend?
  5. What's closest to your style?
  6. When you're alone and not busy on the weekend, what would you rather do?
  7. What is closest to your personality?
  8. What would you rather do at a theme park?
  9. Pick a shoe
  10. Pick a music artist
  11. I'm sad. What do you do to help me?

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