Would I wanna be ya friend?

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Are you friendless? Bored? Or need more friends? Come to this quiz to see if I wanna be your friend! Cuz why not? Do you have the same taste as me will you pass?

There are 3-6 answers(I think) and 10 questions answer truthfully and this is my first quiz if anythings wrong don't hate I tired but uh yeah enjoy this chaos!

Created by: Lacey
  1. Do you like FNaF..?
  2. Do you have bad humor? Like you laugh at "doorKnob"
  3. Fav color?
  4. If you know FNaF do you ship Ballora and circus baby?
  5. Opinions on bracelets?
  6. Do you play roblox?
  7. Bread? Just bread no spread
  8. Bread song..?
  9. Do you like "cats" by the living tombstone?
  10. Do you like LGBTQ?

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