Who is your fnaf best friend?

This is a quiz to see who is ur best friend from fnaf. Idk wat to put so don’t mind me...... Hopefully you'll find the result interesting.

Sorry, I got a little bored. I hope you get a good friend that is supportive. Ok I’m back to bieng bored. lol

Created by: Tianna Moore
  1. What is your fav song out of these?
  2. What is your fav fnaf character?
  3. Here is a Role-play: you are chica and foxy comes up and kisses you. Ur reaction?
  4. What is ur fav animal?
  5. How old are you?
  6. What is ur fav color?
  7. What is ur hair color
  8. Krdfhgkt vkhsfgkhdsgkhfzsd vsdkhtg k
  9. The quiz is over.... bai...*waves back and forth slowly*
  10. Ha! So you thought! Ok, so this is the real last question. How was this test?

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Quiz topic: Who is my fnaf best friend?
