Could we be friends?

Hello, this is just a quiz I thought of, cause I wanna make some new friends, so I wanna see how compatible we are. Well, take this quiz to see. I'm gonna

Ask you different questions to see how you would react in certain situations to see how alike we really are. Anyways, this quiz is just for fun, so enjoy it!

Created by: Just me
  1. If you hated me would you still be polite to me?
  2. Would you let a friend cheat off of you on a test?
  3. How good at you at keeping secrets?
  4. How judgmental are you?
  5. Would you consider yourself the angel or the devil?
  6. If your friend had a boyfriend/girlfriend that you caught cheating on them would you tell them?
  7. So, how compatible do you think you are with other people?
  8. Which one of these do you enjoy? Just wondering if we have some similarities
  9. What do you think about violence?
  10. If someone dropped money on the ground, what would you do?

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