Would I marry you? :3

You answer some questions and I will see if you are worthy enough to marry me :3 I also have to write some more letters to make third public soooooo yeahhhhhhhh hehehehehehehehehdvsjsjwnsnskenns

This is my first quiz so yippee. Again I have to write some more letters to make this public.Yiiipppoiiiiieeeeeee dhehdbwjsvwbsbs hehehehehehhejwnwkwndnwidbw

Created by: Mathilda :3
  1. Cats or dogs?
  2. What would you say ur style is?
  3. What would be the perfect date?
  4. What’s your music taste like?
  5. Do you floss your teeth?
  6. What’s your hairstyle like?
  7. How often do you shower?
  8. What sports do you do :3
  9. What’s you’re favourite colour?
  10. What’s your sexuality?
  11. What’s your hobby?
  12. Do you use deodorant?
  13. Do you read?
  14. What’s your gender?
  15. Last question: hello :3

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