Do I like you? (except I shouldn't be judging bc im cringe)

Hiii! I just wanna see if I like you or not (don’t take any of this personal i’m just kidding! also if you were sent this it means ur my friend so don’t worry about the results)

Idk what to write on this second paragraph but i’m supposed to write something before I can publish this so here is some spammed letters ABUWNQKSNSJENIWIWN

Created by: AHHHHHHHH
  1. Do you like to read?
  2. which show/movie out of my personal favourites do you like the most?
  3. Choose a hobby
  4. You are at a friend’s house what do you want to do?
  5. Choose a random object from my room
  6. Are you enjoying the quiz?
  7. Fav book out of these?
  8. Favourite Singer/band out of these
  9. Lyricsss
  10. Your godly parent- only if you’re a Percy Jackson fan
  11. Cats or dogs?
  12. Choose a food
  13. Are you a sore loser (Be HONEST)
  14. Do you like school?
  15. Are you selfish? (Once again.. be HONEST)
  16. Do you act passive aggressive when you’re mad?
  17. Last question! did you like the quiz?

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