Should you marry your The Boys?

I am not writing a paragraph, this has gone on far too long. Well I guess I have to, so uh here another few characters okay I think I may be done. Okay.

Read the other paragraph. This sucks why do they make write so much, also I haven't even finished the questions. Okay love you, unless you like this quiz.

Created by: Chia of Twitch
(your link here more info)
  1. How many The Boys do you have?
  2. Are you attracted romantically to the same gender?
  3. How many kisses do you receive on average from your The Boys?
  4. What are your political views?
  5. Are you tier 3 subbed to any of your The Boys?
  6. Pewdiepie?
  7. Do your The Boys love you?
  8. How many Youtube subs do you have?
  9. Women?
  10. Feet?

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Quiz topic: Should I marry my The Boys?
