Would I date you quiz

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Would I date you quiz? This quiz will tell you how our relationship might go by your interests + how kind you are, this is just a quiz and MEANS NOTHING!!!

Also, if you enjoyed this quiz, TYYYY!!! It took forever to make help.. so yea.. idk what else to write abt so here is me tapping till I have 150 characters 👍

Created by: XxGachaKore
  1. What’s your gender
  2. Out of these horror games which is ur fav
  3. You support THE GAYS!?
  4. Would you be up for me sending you memes at 3 am?
  5. Which is your fav out of these tv shows
  7. Are you NICE!? 🥺🥺🥺🥺
  8. Which is your aesthetic
  9. If I was crying what would you do to comfort me?
  10. (IM RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS-) WuTs ur fave color?

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