will you survive if you were in poppy playtime?

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Poppy Playtime is a horror adventure game where players investigate the sinister hallways of an abandoned toy factory while pursued by monsters based on its most famous products.

if this factory were to exist, then do you think you're up for the challenge to save the employees that managed to survive in the factory? Why not test yourself first and see the result!

Created by: biddy
  1. how familiar are you with Playtime Co. ?
  2. which playtime character do fear the least?
  3. what would you do if you see a monster lurking in the darkness?
  4. will you trust poppy?
  5. will you save these monsters when they're about to die?
  6. if you must befriend a monster, who will it be?
  7. if you have a weapon against the monster, what will it be?
  8. what will you do if you meet the whole long legs family?
  9. what will you prepare if you were to explore this factory?
  10. quick question, are you a boy or a girl?
  11. would you prefer to stare at miss melody or look away?
  12. last of all, do you have the guts to go on this journey? whether you like it or not?

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Quiz topic: Will I survive if you were in poppy playtime?
