Would I date you?? (ONLY GUYS/FTM GUYS)

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So first i think you should know me (ill ask abt u after) im genderfluid/bigender im still figuring it out! and born a girl in my freshman year of hs.

I LOVE MUSIC SO MUCH, type o negative, lebanon hanover, marilyn manson, rammstein, msi, jack off jill, panic! at the disco, more info in the first question.

Created by: arieaudia
  1. I would love to cut my hair to a mullet/wolfcut/shag, with alot of layers and dye it black mb. i like goth and dark colored dresses sometimes, or oversized band t-shirts and flannels, depends. my love language is: GIFT GIVING, and physical touch! i LOVE halloween and haunted houses, cider mills and hayrides at night, sneaking out, skipping school.my fav foods are: pumpkin pie, cheesecake, cherry pie.
  2. AGE
  3. HAIR
  4. Most important thing if we were dating
  5. do we like the same music?
  6. what do you like to wear MOSTLY
  7. are you scared of ppl
  8. best one
  9. fav sound
  10. fav smell
  11. Do you live in Michigan or in a state near it? (even close canada or anything)

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