Which of my Elementals characters are you?

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I've been wanting to do a quiz like this for a while... So these are characters from a book I'm writing/working on at the moment, and I'm curious to see which one you guys fit best :D (Don't mind the picture for the cover I'll change that later lol)

There is a girl, so if you are a guy and you get the girl, don't get mad at me... But I have four guys so don't worry about it (Good luck, ladies XD) Anyway, hope you like it and this is just for fun :)

Created by: Rach_Haven_03
  1. What's your favorite element?
  2. What's your opinion on school?
  3. What are your usual activities for the weekend?
  4. Where would your ideal place to live be?
  5. How well do you do socially?
  6. What mental illness do you have/think you have?
  7. What's your favorite food?
  8. What is your favorite animal?
  9. What subject do you like most in school?
  10. Last question!! How would you rate yourself from 1-10?

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Quiz topic: Which of my Elementals characters am I?
