Would I date you? (Im pan so anyone can take this quiz!)

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Uhm yeah I think the title explains this enough, but heres some info about me :) (it’s in the second paragraph, i just needed more characters so don’t mind this) DODDJEBBETEEEJBDBD

My name is Ashton, i’m demiboy, my pronouns are he/they, i’m pansexual, i’m an introvert, my favorite color is yellow, and yeah thats it i guess 😅 Have a nice day!

Created by: Ashton
  1. What type of music do you listen to?
  2. Are you goth/and or/ attracted to goths?
  3. Who is your favorite musical artist?
  4. Would you slow dance with me at 3 am?
  5. Are you environmentally friendly/conscious?
  6. Would you be open to start/donate to a charity?
  7. Are you Lgbtqia+ friendly?
  8. Would you be willing to respect me and not want sexual activity? (I’m ace)
  9. Do you have common sense?
  10. Do you have a sense of humor?

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