What Warrior Cat Clan are You in?

This will tell you what Clan you are truly in. So buckle up! Your mind is about to be blown... (darn it, 150 characters needed........................

Please tell me if this quiz is good and explains you weel, I guess. Idk what to put here, the first paragraph said it all. I50 chars...................

Created by: Pepper
  1. What Clan would you HATE to be in?
  2. You see a kittypet near your territory. You...
  3. You see a cat from another Clan about to fall in the river and drown. You...
  4. You wake up and smell something strange. A fire! You...
  5. You see two Clans fighting on a patrol. You...
  6. What cat do you admire the most?
  7. What is your favorite prey item?
  8. In a friend, you look for...
  9. If you could have any pelt color, what would it be?
  10. Pick a name for yourself!

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Quiz topic: What Warrior Cat Clan am I in?
