would I date you (boys only)

Hi I'm back kittylover and your most likely going to have a girlfriend at the end of the quiz so ya I hope you injoy thank you so much ................ Now on to the other

................. I'm bored commmeeeennnnnttttttt annnnnnnd likkkkkke ttttthhhhhaaaaannk you now please a shout out to jax valentines and Allen rose they are my exs both are cheaters so bye

Created by: Gotoquiz
  1. how old are you!🙃
  2. What color hair do you have?
  3. What color eays do you have?
  4. Are you black or white
  5. Are you from Ireland
  6. Are you answering these questions truthfully
  7. Will you be my boyfriend
  8. 2 more questions
  9. Bye baby
  10. Byeeee

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