Men and Boys Haircut Quiz 2

All these answers come from so if you do not like your answer try answering more truthfully and please give us a good rating and suggest more ideas on haircut s for a part two

And if you want a quiz on how long your hair should be men and boys comment yes because I would be happy to make one for you and comment what haircut you got and if you actually tried it

Created by: Kevan Green
  1. When you go to put your hand on your head what do you want to feel?
  2. What do you want your barbers moto to be?
  3. What is your style?
  4. Would you ever shave your head?
  5. Say you had to marry a man what haircut would you give them?
  6. If your hair had to stay one way forever how would it be styled?
  7. What hairstyle would you try?
  8. A random guy walks up walks up to you he is good looking and has enough hair to have possibly any haircut he says he wants you to cut his hair because he has a special occasion and wants to surprise the people there how do you go about his hair?
  9. What is your most loved hobby?
  10. What haircut do you choose?

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