Would i date you? ( quiz for boys and girls 12-14)

This is a little quizzz.....to take if youre bored...or generally looking for a friendship/something more. So yeah...bye bye goodluck on the quiz! answer truthfully by the way.

so yeah! be honest, a real, and im bi btw. (im a girl) i love girls, they are so amazing and beautiful, but boys are alright too, (if you find the good ones) anyways take the quiz! (even if its just for fun!)

Created by: LylaElaine
  1. How old are you?
  2. whats your gender?
  3. how do you feel about bi/gay people
  4. what is your hair color?
  5. whats your eye color?
  6. are in an introvert, or an extrovert?
  7. do you like anime?
  8. whats your body type like? (btw all bodys are beautiful, and perfect! DONT FORGET THAT!!!)
  9. whats your height?
  10. what do you like to do in your free time?
  11. would you be fine with being long distance if thats the case?
  12. would you be fine sending a picture/ video of your face, before i do after talking for a bit?
  13. im 5'2, have past my shoulder red/brown/aubern hair, light vibrant blue eyes, im a normal weight, and im 12 years old. i dont have braces, or acne, or glasses, and id say im pretty decent looking. Do i sound ok/ do looks matter to you?
  14. what sport do you do? (if its multiple just choose your favorite)
  15. are you funny? and sarcastic? do you have a good sense of humor?
  16. This one is important......who is your favorite singer/song writer?
  17. kk... bye bye!!!

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