Would I be your friend? Wings of fire stuff included!

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The picture is my background, I drew it. SOOOOOOO THIS IS A QUIZ U CAN JUST TAKE IF YOUR BORED SOOOOOOOO YEAH...hope u’ll enjoy. Hope u will ship Blicket.

Gl.... u may need it. Ship Blicket or.....or elseeeee -slowly reaches for fork- “OR ELSE WHAT!? Oh and BLICKET SUCKS!” yells random person. -stabs- EHEHEHHHH

Created by: Blicket4life
  1. Blicket? (Blue And Cricket)
  2. Qinter or Qinterwatcher? (Qibli, winter is Qinter But QiNtEr is them and Moon ASWELL, IK I don’t care! It’s a trio)
  3. Cleril?
  4. Ripnami?
  6. Turtlejou!
  7. Oof. I ran out of ships
  8. Do u like Darkstalker?
  9. Hmmmmmmmm............. Oh I know! Oof! STARSPEAKER
  10. Hmmmmmmmmm........ opinion on MineCraft?
  11. ......Umbli?
  12. Hmmmmmmmmm. Do u like books?
  13. Who else gets a quite sense from some Turtle drawings?
  14. “U r my best friend, if i’m dying. U DYING WID ME! THERE AINT NO CHOICE!”,>:D
  15. That’s it, byeeee! Check out more of my quizzes? Rate and comment?

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Quiz topic: Would I be my friend? Wings of fire stuff included!
