How Well do You Know Wings of Fire?

This is a Wings of Fire quiz. I tried my best to make it as HARD AS POSSIBLE so if you don't know don't feel bad!! Please only take this if you have read ALL THE BOOKS!! (or up to thirteen if book 14 has come out and not any of the legends books, they're not included)

By the way, this is my first time making a quiz, so if there's something wrong with it, sorry about that. but I really hope you enjoy this, and good luck!!

Created by: Goat
  1. who's perspective is book eight?
  2. how do Nightwings get their powers?
  3. Which Dragonet of Prophecy hatched first?
  4. how old is Onyx? (When she says how old she is)
  5. How did Anemone enchant Kinkajou to fall in love with Turtle?
  6. What was the first thing Turtle enchanted?
  7. Who are Sunny's parents?
  8. What is the name of Darkstalker's sister?
  9. What is Winter's Scavenger's name?
  10. Who are Moon's parents?
  11. Why do the Hivewings want Blue? (book eleven)
  12. Who's Io?
  13. What is the name of the Mudwing queen?
  14. How long can Mudwings hold their breath?
  15. in book eight, at Possibility, what were the Mudwings doing? (one had a missing arm)
  16. how old is Onyx's sister?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Wings of Fire?

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