Are you a true Wings of Fire Fan? (REALLY HARD)

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This is a *tough* Wings of Fire quiz. Please only take this if you have read the Wings of Fire series! This quiz has a lot of references, and even I, a LONG standing WoF fan had to look back at MANY books, because I remembered what the question was, but not the answer. Speaking of witch, Please do not look in the books! this is to test your knowledge and make it better, not to...prove to your friends you know WoF and cheat about it!

Once again I give credit to the artists I use the art of. they are so amazing and they truly do something that I could never do. Thanks again! -OrbWeaverTheHiveWing

Created by: OrbWeaverTheHiveWing
  1. EASY: What is the name of Queen Scarlets son/the arena announcer?
  2. What is the name of the SeaWing General?
  3. Who is Liana?
  4. Can Mindreader read minds?
  5. What does Blaze become?
  6. Who are all the royals at JMA?
  7. What circle is Prince Winter in before the events of Book Six?
  8. Who is Queen Scarlets daughter?
  9. What is Turtle's older brother's name?
  10. What is the name of Quibli's sister?
  11. Who is Io?
  12. What is the name of Cricket's classmate?
  13. What is the name of Sundew's worst enemy?
  14. Who is Snowfall's favorite general?
  15. What is the name of the Unknown Tribe dragonet Cottonmouth doomed?
  16. (WINGLETS) Who was the first dragon Deathbringer assassinated?
  17. (Legends: Darkstalker) What was the name of the one SeaWing that escaped the massacre (Not necessarily survived)
  18. (Legends: Dragonslayer) What was the name of the scavenger that hid under the table?
  19. HARD: Who was the first dragon that Clay saw connected with him to the left on the towers?
  20. What were the names of the SeaWing guards that helped Tsunami save Clay?
  21. What was the the RainWing that Glory talked to first in the line in line for?
  22. Who was the dragon Greatness killed with lava?
  23. What was the name of the dragon that killed Burn?
  24. Who taught history?
  25. Who is Winter's brother disguised as?
  26. Who killed Queen Scarlet?
  27. What spell did Anemone cast on Turtle first to start the "Animus battle"
  28. What were the names of the guards that let Qibli in to talk to Queen Thorn?
  29. Who is Blue's father's enemy?
  30. Who is Crickets father?
  31. What was the name of the HiveWing the breath of evil "Cured?"
  32. Who enchanted the "Gift of Vision" in the Forbidden Treasury?
  33. Who is Earwig?
  34. (WINGLETS) Who was the SandWing who helped Fierceteeth escape prison?
  35. (Legends: Darkstalker) Who was Clearsight's best friend?
  36. (Legends: Dragonslayer) Who has a crush on Wren?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Wings of Fire Fan? (REALLY HARD)
