Would I be attracted to you?

In this quiz you can find out if your my type or not! Maybe we are soulmates or maybe you are just not my type? Find out now!(bhbybubhhyfrctbinj j inuhunjbh tcrctbjn)

I’m lonely so I made this quiz(byvtvynxiednejdnjebcuebcurbcur cjr. I’d. I’d. DicnI ridneidnicnirnfircnirmfkr firfmirmforfmorfjrkfbrjfghmivykbunibc h j inunnibjn u)

Created by: Ivy
  1. What is your gender?
  2. Do you play sports?
  3. Your hobbies?
  4. What is your hair color? (For Boys only)
  5. Hair color? (Girls only)
  6. How do you express your love?
  7. What’s your aesthetic?
  8. How high is your patience?
  9. What food do you like?
  10. I can’t cook so can you?
  11. What is your skin color?(i’m not racist I’m just not attracted to some people like that)
  12. Are you ok with a lot of in laws?

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