What is your relationship orientation?

You've surely heard of sexual orientation and gender identity. Maybe you've even heard of romantic orientation. But have you ever heard of a relationship orientation? What is a relationship orientation?

Sexual orientation is about the gender someone is physically attracted to. Romantic orientation is about the gender someone is emotionally attracted to. Gender identity is how a person perceived themselves based on how they feel they relate to their sex. A relationship orientation, the one rarely ever talked about, is how many people someone is able to romantically love at once. Are you a monoamorous person who can't love more than one person at a time? Perhaps you're polyamorous instead? You struggle to focus on loving only one person. Or maybe you're ambiamorous and you take the love that life throws at you, regardless of the amount. So what is your relationship orientation? Take the quiz to find out!

Created by: Anne Anna Moose
  1. Should consensual polygamy be legalized?
  2. How many people are you currently dating versus how many do you want to settle down with?
  3. Who was your first childhood crush?
  4. Were you ever bullied or felt outcasted for loving differently from others or formulating attractions differently from peers?
  5. How did you discover that you're polyamorous?
  6. I feel happiest and most comfortable in a committed non-monogamous relationship
  7. I feel happiest and most comfortable in a committed monogamous relationship
  8. Love is...
  9. What is polyamory?
  10. What is compersion? Can anyone experience compersion?

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Quiz topic: What is my relationship orientation?
