Jealousy in Relationships

Jealousy is very common. What is a Jealousy? Jealousy is feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages or suspicion of someone's unfaithfulness in a relationship

Are YOU jealous? Do you feel insecure about your relationship with your partner? Do you feel as though your partner is better than you or spends most of his/her time with someone other than you? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: Rebecca
  1. Do you believe you are good enough for your partner?
  2. How much do you trust your partner?
  3. Do you think your partner would leave you if someone better came along?
  4. Do you believe your partner will remain faithful to you for the rest of your life?
  5. If you answer the phone and person's voice unknown to you responds, asking for your partner by her first name, how do you think you would feel?
  6. If at a party you see an attractive person watching your partner from the distance and then later, he asks him/her to dance, how would you feel.
  7. If you overhear your partner talking to a girl/boyfriend on the phone, confessing that he/she has had an intimate dream about a co-worker, what would you do?
  8. You see your partner walking down the street with a person you don't recognize as you are driving your car. What do you do?
  9. A rumor is going around that your partner is having an affair and the gossip gets to you via a friend. How do you react.
  10. Your partner is spending a great deal of time preparing him/herself for a guy's/girl's night out. How do you react?

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