Tag: Relationships
- Jul 13, '20
- by AskEiman
- Jun 9, '19
- by KaleidoKitty
- Which stage is your relationship in?
- Aug 11, '11
- by LoveGrl44
Do you ever wonder what stage your relationship is in? There are 5 stages every relationship goes through, despite if you're…
- What kind of relationship are you in?
- Dec 3, '13
- by Toriddle
Ever wonder what one word describes your love relationship? Is it healthy? Unhealthy?? This quiz has split relationship-types…
- Do You Want A Boyfriend?
- Feb 23, '13
- by leatherjacket
This quiz is meant for either gender, however, you must want a boyfriend and not a girlfriend because this is meant for someone…
- How Polyamorous Are You?
- Nov 11, '06
- by Asad
Polyamory is a challenging yet rewarding lifestyle in which it is deemed acceptable to love more than one person at a time.…
- What's Your Relationship Style?
- Feb 6, '07
- by luminoustorm
Let's admit it, we've all been in a relationship at SOME point in our lives, right? Well have you ever wondered how you…
- Does Your Relationship Need Servicing?
- Dec 23, '14
- by Denika Carothers
Is your relationship in trouble? Do you feel that you are at a place in your relationship where you need some help but you're…
- Relationship Evaluation Test
- Jul 29, '07
- by Trevor
This is a quiz that will evaluate how healthy your relationship is with your partner, as well as past partners. It can also…
- How much do you hurt your lover?
- Dec 28, '06
- by edminister
Relationships vary from one to the next but in a fairly straightforward relationship there are certain things that might hurt…
- What color is your relationship?
- Jun 20, '21
- by quizmaker101
This is a quiz to figure out what color best matches your relationship. Every relationship has a color that bests matches it.…
- Do You Have a 'Heart-wall'?
- Sep 28, '16
- by Amaranth
There is a very common, (though not yet diagnosable by doctors) condition that has been plaguing most people in our world. So…
- What Type Of Couple Are You Two?
- Mar 4, '15
- by Marisol
What type of couple are you and your lover? Find out by taking this quiz! 😃 just answer these fun simple questions and your…
- Are You Codependent?
- Jan 22, '07
- by Michelle E. Vasquez, LPC
Many people have heard the word "Codependent" but don't really understand what it means. Codependency is a word used to…
- Is This Relationship Worth Fighting For?
- Jul 17, '15
- by Xiluva
The most difficult decision to make is whether to "give up" or to "keep fighting". Everyone is scared of losing what could have…
- What is your most frequent love mistake?
- Jul 21, '07
- by Q.t.
Have you found yourself in a pattern when it comes to relationships? Most of us occasionally get stuck in our ways, but some do…
- Are You A Relationship Hog?
- Nov 29, '07
- by Paula
Relationships aren't easy, in fact, they're hard. As opposed to what some say, 50/50, a positive and healthy relationship is…
- How Healthy Is Your Relationship?
- Jun 20, '07
- by TurningPoint
Healthy relationships are based on mutual respect and friendship. It is important that both people in a relationship feel that…
Even More Relationships Quizzes
- Should you let him go?
- Apr 19, '19
- by Sarah
Hello, this is a quiz about relationships and love. DISCLAIMER: This makes it sound like it’s just about guys, but this…
- How Desirable Are You?
- Jun 7, '07
- by Angie
Desirable: adj. 1. Worth having or seeking, as by being useful, advantageous, or pleasing: 2. Worth doing or achieving;…
- How Compatible Are You & Your Lover?
- Feb 12, '07
- by Love Test
Love it a big word. So big that you have to use it with care and not say it to just anyone. Love is something so powerful, it…
- Do you and your siblings have a good relationship?
- Feb 29, '20
- by Abigail0425LOLLOL
This Quiz will explain if you and your siblings have a good relationship, I cannot promise these answers to be 100% accurate…
- Are You a Priority or a Convenience to Your Partner?
- Jan 18, '07
- by Alicia
There are many people confused about their relationships. Everyone has problems, but can they be fixed? I am not a psychiatrist…
- Could You Cheat on Somebody?
- Aug 15, '10
- by tomboykaitie
There are people who don't care about cheating, or they don't have the heart to break it to someone when they want to be with…
- Are You Perfect For a Relationship?
- Sep 19, '08
- by Rozza
There are many people out there that are perfect for a relationship and many that aren't. You are an amazing person if you can…
- What type of partner are you?
- Mar 4, '08
- by chloe
Everyone wants to be in a relationship that last forever. No one wants to be by themselves on the holidays. Who likes to send…
- Are you a selfish Lover??
- Nov 8, '08
- by Dahlia Richardson
There are lots of Jerks in the world and lots of door mats too. Ever wonder which one you are to your lover?? Take the 'Are you…
- How Empathic is Your Relationship?
- Sep 4, '15
- by The Design Team
Recent studies show that empathy is the cement that binds every healthy romantic relationship. Some people are naturally…
- Who Misses You Most?
- Aug 16, '09
- by Linda
People come and go from your life, and you know which ones you miss, and which were easy to let go of. "A friend is someone…
- Does Your Guy Friend Like You?
- Apr 6, '10
- by bon jovi
Do you have a guy friend? Well here's a quiz to help you tell if he likes you as more than a friend. I can't promise it's 100%…
- Are You Co-dependant?
- Oct 19, '11
- by Sara
Co-dependency is an unhealthy way to have relationships with others. How are your relationships in life? Do you rely on others…
- Relationship Quiz
- Feb 28, '07
- by Chad
A perfect relationship is hard to find. Some think that have it and don't, while others don't even know what it looks like. …
- How Are You In Relationships?
- Aug 20, '12
- by Daisha
Many people around may not realize what kind of relationship partner they are. It's important to know these things so you can…
- How Well Do You Handle Jealousy
- May 7, '16
- by The Love Dr
Jealousy is a normal feeling, how well do you handle it? Do you get angry and storm out? Do you sink in your room and cry? What…
Still 12 More Relationships Quizzes!
- Do They Really Hate You?
- Will your relationship last?
- Healthy Relationship Quiz
- How immature at relationships are you?
- Are You Still In Love With Your Ex-Boyfriend?
- How high is your emotional intelligence?
- Are you in an abusive relationship?
- How Needy Are You in a Relationship
- Jealousy in Relationships
- Are you scared of relationships?
- Are You Wifey Material
- Will Your LDR Work Out?
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