KilljoyRainbow's Profile

Joined on Jul 10, 2013
Status Level: Advanced
KilljoyRainbow's Quizzes
- Do They Really Hate You?[published: Sep 01, 2016, 3 comments]
Is there someone you know who just seems to have a chip on your shoulder? Towards you, specifically?……
- How Well Do You Know Romeo And Juliet?[published: Apr 17, 2016]
Romeo and Juliet is (duh) one of Shakespeare's most popular and accessible works.……
- The Ultimate Attack On Titan Quiz[published: Apr 18, 2015, 1 comment]
Good day, ladies, gentlemen, and those who fit into other categories. Since you clicked on……
- How Much Do You Know About Attack On Titan?[published: Feb 01, 2015]
Greetings and salutations, wayward reader! Are you a fan of Attack on Titan? Fancy……
- Are you REALLY a Cow?[published: Aug 10, 2014, 2 comments]
There are plenty of personality quizzes out there, but few of them pertain to man's true best friend: the……
- What Breed Of Cat Are You?[published: Feb 15, 2014, 3 comments]
As the beloved tune states, 'everybody wants to be a cat'. That may not be entirely true, however,……
- Do You Fit The Trickster Stereotype?[published: Jan 18, 2014, 2 comments]
We've all read those seemingly ancient fairy stories. They come in musty old books, and……
- Is Your Original Character A Mary Sue?[published: Dec 26, 2013, 33 comments]
What is a Mary Sue, precisely? In short, it's a character in a fanfiction, roleplay,……
- Test Your Luck![published: Sep 04, 2013, 2 comments]
"You got lucky this time, pal!" "I'll need a lot of luck today..." We hear the phrase 'lucky' every day. But……
- Which Creepypasta Character Are You Like?[published: Aug 31, 2013, 66 comments]
If you're a creepypasta fan (creepypastas are spooky stories made-for-the-internet),……
- Is Your Original Character a Mary Sue?[published: Aug 30, 2013, 48 comments]
We've all ran into Mary Sues in our time. A Mary Sue (or a Marty Stu, as the case may be)……
- What's Your General Stereotype?[published: Aug 29, 2013, 26 comments]
I think I know what you were thinking about when you clicked on this quiz. You were thinking……
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Personality Quiz[published: Aug 16, 2013, 6 comments]
Many MLP fans have wondered which pony they are like. Do you emulate the……
- Which Music Fandom Do You Belong In?[published: Aug 15, 2013, 5 comments]
Looking for a new band? Something to get obsessed with? Well, you've come to the right……
- How Much of a Wisconsinite are You?[published: Aug 14, 2013]
You may be from the South, the North, or the West Coast. You could hail from the streets of……
- My Chemical Romance Trivia[published: Jul 11, 2013, 4 comments]
So, you think you're a fangirl? A fanboy? A Killjoy? Well, not everyone is a true fan of the late My……
- Are You Socially Awkward?[published: Jul 11, 2013, 5 comments]
Hey, you! Yeah, the one with the face! Do people look at you weirdly when you're out and about? Do you……
KilljoyRainbow's Recent Posts
"I guess that depends on what you consider to be a "popular" anime...'We Without Wings' has a great plot and really makes you think, if you c..."
"Shh, shh, Care's okay."
"When I first got into the series, I was head-over-heels for Jean Kirschtein of Attack on Titan. First honest-to-goodness crush I've ever had..."
"Overall, I prefer manga, because that way you can carry it around with you. But THEN there are those people who insist on being like"
"Lots of different reactions, you know."
"Okay, so a bit ago I had a dream that went something like this: There were two young men named Steve and Bob living in a forest far a"
"I'm a beauty killerrrrr... Oh, sorry! Anyhow, what's going on?"
"I'm not claiming to be an expert on these things, but I think it means you like him or are at least interested in him in some way. Best of l..."
"Ohhh, you're twelve...that explains the rodent thing. Anyways, I'm around there and single, but I don't really want a relationship like that..."
"@Dark I wish unicorns were real... @sq Do I detect a note of sarcasm?"
"So, I had this dream: Three unicorns were having a tea party in the middle of a desert. A mushroom was their tea table, but their cup"
"I don't know you, but...goodbye!"
"Good idea or not? You got any awesome ideas like that?"
"Viktor I agree with you, either Helena or Ghost of You. Maybe Na Na Na, IDK..."
"Your opinions on the topic?"
KilljoyRainbow's Recent Quiz Comments
"Apparently every woman who weighs over 125 lbs is obese? Omg."
1 reply3 -
"Good to know that you consider criminality as an interesting personality trait"
1 -
"...what the hell even was this?"
1 -
"I'm curious, how do you gauge people's honesty based on their answers to this set of questions?"
1 -
"I never knew that was a question I needed to be answered but I'm so glad this quiz exists"
1 -
"Soooooo many logical fallacies...."
1 -
"You have a 15% rate! 15%
You are very feminine. You dislike masculine things very much and you hate all of them. You are…"
1 reply2 -
"I wouldn't date anyone who supports flying the banner of depression."
1 -
"NEWS FLASH, EVERYONE: Apparently, tomboys are NOT females, but genderless abominations!!"
2 -
"The quote is "All the world's a stage", not "The world is but a stage", just saying ;)"