WOF what tribe you are quiz

this is a wings of fire quiz, wof for short.in this quiz you will be finding your wings of fire tribe by answering these questions. you can get ICEWING, SKYWING, RAINWING, SEAWING, MUDWING, NIGHTWING, and SANDWING.

here I will be giving you one. you got the powerful SEAWING. you have a powerful tail that can make HUGE waves and lights on your belly that can blind your enemies. you live in the ocean and are a powerful dragon!

Created by: Oliver
  1. what is your favorite song?
  2. what is your favorite character?
  3. what is your lest favorite character?
  4. what queen do you hate most
  5. what tribe do you want to be?
  6. what tribe do you NOT want to be?
  7. what queen do you LIKE the most?
  8. what is your favorite color?
  9. what is your LEST favorite color?
  10. how much do you know about wings of fire?

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