What is your Wings Of Fire tribe?

Mindpainter here, with a new and exciting quiz on what your Wings of Fire tribe is. I apologize, but to those who haven't read the whole series yet... WARINING: THIS. QUIZ. HAS. SPOILERS!!!! If you want the thrill of finding out by yourself, I HIGHLY recommend finding another quiz. -Mindpainter (my oc)

In this Quiz, you will get some weird questions. Like "what happens if you have a secret egg?" But don't worry, I only included these because I like to mess around, A LOT...

Created by: Mindpainter
  1. What would you rather be?
  2. If peril attacks you, what do you do?
  3. You're an animus, what do you do first?
  4. You have a secret egg, what do you do?
  5. At what age would you rather challenge your mother for the throne?
  6. Who would you rather be?
  7. You discover there is a whole other CONTINENT out there, what do you say?
  8. If you find out you're in a prophecy, what do you do?
  9. Wich role do you have in this prophecy?
  10. And finally, how would you rate this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What is my Wings Of Fire tribe?
