What is your Wings of Fire tribe?

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Do you want to know your Wings of Fire dragon tribe? If you do, then take this quiz! It is quick, and somewhat easy to complete, with a reveal of your tribe at the end.

This quiz will test your knowledge, your patience, your confidence, your imagination, your resilience, your courage, and your truth. (P.S. I drew the picture)

Created by: Dragonling
  1. Fav color?
  2. Season?
  3. Have you read the whole series?
  4. Choose a letter group.
  5. Fav WoF dragonets group?
  6. Do you like strawberries?
  7. What sound do dragons make?
  8. Do you like dragons?
  9. Is this a good quiz?

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Quiz topic: What is my Wings of Fire tribe?
