what wings of fire tribe are you in?

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The seven dragon tribes have been at war for generations, locked in an endless battle over an ancient, lost treasure. A secret movement called the Talons of Peace is determined to bring an end to the fighting, with the help of a prophecy -- a foretelling that calls for great sacrifice.

You could be one of the seven dragon species.You could be a Seawing, a Sandwing, a Nightwing, an Icewing, a Skywing, or a Raining. Who are you?I hope you enjoy!!!

Created by: Dragon
  1. What is your favourite tribe?
  2. What’s your favourite food?
  3. What’s your favourite colour?
  4. Blister ,Blaze or Burn?
  5. Which Dragonet of destiny?
  6. Which abilities would you have?
  7. What would you do if you got attacked by Skywings?
  8. What do you want your result to be?
  9. pick a word
  10. pick

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Quiz topic: What wings of fire tribe am I in?
