Witch Greek god is my parent?

Hello, I'm Theo, and this quiz is to determine...you guessed it! Your Greek divine parent! I was so excited to take a Quiz to find mine out, but everything I took gave me odd results.

This quiz, made by me, your supreme Greek mythology person (well, I have read about 20 Greek mythology books in the past year of my life) is probably extremely accurate.

Created by: Theo
  1. Have you read one hour today?
  2. Music?
  3. Pick one: (if it's not here, click the : P button and click what you want on the next one. I only get 8 spaces! : )
  4. Continuation:
  5. What is the point of life for you?
  6. Best quality?
  7. Fighting?
  8. What happens when you get a plant?
  9. Biggest fear?
  10. Swimming?
  11. Favorite color? (I'm only putting colors that I have a god to associate with. Sorry if your favorite is not there!)
  12. Grades?
  13. Are you ready to figure out who you divine parent is?

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