wings of fire heard test

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so, this quiz is very hard! but it is prefect if you are looking for a real challenge! this quiz mostly has questions on Wings of Fire Guide to the Dragon World. good luck!

p.s. this quiz will also have sum questions from the book, books, as well, and sum answers you can only find online, I do not expect anyone to get it 100% correct.

Created by: Horizon the seawing
  1. how do you say "Three Moons!" in aquatic?
  2. what dragon dose sunny like?
  3. if a rainwing's color is green what dose it mean the dragon is feeling?
  4. witch one of these is in the skywing anthem?
  5. the doctor in possibility that helped kinkajou had what injury?
  6. in the wings of fire guide to the dragon world, the nightwings tell a story of a dragon named:
  7. how many dragonets did Indigo and fathom have?
  8. how do you say thank you in dragon?
  9. OK, last question, if you had a dragonet, what would you name it?
  10. HA! bet you thought that was the last one Hua! well lets just ask you how you feel about that.

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