wing of fire quiz

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this quiz is about wing of fire and six characters, sunny, kinkajou, glory, clay, starflight, and tsunami, it also mentions some other beloved characters.

each question has a character and there are no wrong answers. there are many other characters like quibly, winter, moon and auklet. I worked my butt of for this and I hope you like it.

Created by: Nora Moore
  1. were would you rather be?
  2. what power would you rather have?
  3. what pet would you rather have?
  4. what's you're favourite color?
  5. the sandwing succession
  6. what do you like to eat?
  7. what are you're personality traits?
  8. random question, what's you're gender?
  9. do you like:
  10. what would you do if you're a animus?

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