Which Dragonet of Destiny are you? (Wings of Fire)

Are you a Wings of Fire fan? Or have you at least read the first five books? Take this quiz to see which Dragonet of Destiny you are! Sunny, Starflight, Tsunami, Glory, or Clay?

I'm only writing this because I have to. Type Type Hi hi aeronautical run away Death DARKSTALER IS EVIL this is boring don't read me Peril fire ACK SCARLET HELP ME!

Created by: Moonwatcher is cool
  1. How do you fight?
  2. What tribe do you think is the best?
  3. Why did you choose that tribe?
  4. Dune, Kestrel, or Webs?
  5. Random Question! I ship...
  6. What's most important about a dragon?
  7. What is your ideal vacation spot?
  8. Which pet?
  9. How much sleep do you want *cough, RainWings*?
  10. What do you dread the most?

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Quiz topic: Which Dragonet of Destiny am I? (Wings of Fire)
