Which Dragonet of Destiny are You

This quiz is a wings of fire quiz. It's to determine which dragonet of destiny you are. Me and My classmate greatly enjoyed the first 5 books in the series.

This quiz is guaranteed to tell you what dragonet you are. If you were wondering " Am I Glory, Sunny, Tsunami, Clay or Starflight?" Well, this quiz tells you!

Created by: Claire and Charlee
  1. What's your Favorite summer Hobby?
  2. what is your Favorite book of the original 5 books?
  3. What Are your Favorite colors?
  4. What's your favorite tribe?
  5. What is your favorite winter Hobby
  6. Pick an element
  7. how many friends do you prefer having?
  8. what is/was your favorite subject in school
  9. what food do you prefer?
  10. what is your eye color?

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Quiz topic: Which Dragonet of Destiny am I
