William vs Adam: How Well Do You Know William?

William is a William and not only A William but THE William. See how much William you can William on this William quiz. Prove your William! I mean... your worth. At least when it comes to William knowledge.

Quiz will begin in ten word-seconds... Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, zero, BEGIN! WILLIAM WILL PREVAIL! WILLIAM WILL PREVAIL!

Created by: William
  1. What is William's middle name?
  2. What is William's favorite candy?
  3. What year was William born?
  4. What is William's favorite Star Wars prequel?
  5. What is William's favorite Star Wars original-trilogy movie?
  6. What is William's favorite Star Wars sequel?
  7. What Formula 1 team does William root for?
  8. Which of these positions has William NOT worked at Camp Straight Steet?
  9. Which of these pets did William's family have growing up?
  10. Which of these is William's favorite animal?
  11. What is William's favorite ice cream flavor?
  12. Which of these states has William never been to?
  13. What is William's wife's maiden-name?
  14. Which of these is NOT the name of one of William's exes?
  15. What is William's favorite movie (besides Star Wars)?
  16. Does William prefer The Office or Parks and Rec?
  17. Which of these actors has William NOT been compared to?
  18. What is William's favorite racing game?
  19. Which Scandinavian country does William most want to visit?
  20. What is William allergic to?
  21. Which of these companies has William NOT worked for?
  22. Which of these electronic musicians has William NOT seen in concert?
  23. Who is William's favorite a-ha band member?
  24. What pizza-topic combination does William refer to as "The William Special"?
  25. What is William's favorite Pixar movie?
  26. What is William's favorite animated film not made by Pixar?
  27. Who is William's favorite voice actor?
  28. What is William's favorite kind of chocolate?
  29. Which of these names is NOT the name of one of William's siblings?
  30. What did William call his grandparents (on his dad's side of the family)?
  31. Can William solve a Rubik's cube?
  32. What is William's favorite newspaper comic strip?
  33. What is William's favorite cartoon?
  34. What is William's favorite "walks into a bar" joke?
  35. What is William's favorite seafood?
  36. Who is William's favorite Star Wars character?
  37. What is William's favorite local Mexican restaurant?
  38. What is William's favorite local coffee shop?
  39. What nickname did Ron Sleeper give William
  40. What is William's favorite color?
  41. What was William's first car?
  42. How tall is William?
  43. Which Weed is William's favorite?
  44. Which European electronic music genre does William enjoy the most?
  45. What video game began William's friendship with his 38 Seconds co-host, Matthew Thomason?
  46. Who is William's oldest friend? (The friend he's known the longest... not most elderly)
  47. What restaurant gave William food poisoning during his trip to Universal Studios in 2016?
  48. Which of these cities has William NOT lived in?
  49. What is William's favorite Thanksgiving dish?
  50. Finally, what is William's favorite. um.... soup, I guess.

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Quiz topic: William vs Adam: How Well do I Know William?
