What Kind Of Romantic Are You?

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We all like to say we're romantics, but are you a "Romantic" by the 1770-1880 definition? Do your fantasies of the perfect date include long walks through the woods contemplating beliefs, mystical and mysterious elements? If so, you may be a true Romantic. But if you stick to dinner and the movies, you may have to step up your "Romance" game.

In just 12 easy questions, determine which one of the 6 major Romantic poets you are: Lord Byron, William Blake, Taylor Coleridge, John Keats, Percey Shelley or William Wordsworth

Created by: Jen
  1. Can you think like a child?
  2. How vivid are your dreams?
  3. How do you handle your anger?
  4. How would you characterize your writing style?
  5. Where do you stand on the political spectrum?
  6. Do you like wandering around in nature?
  7. How in touch with your feelings are you?
  8. How do you feel about group projects?
  9. Sarcastic much?
  10. Have you ever cheated on someone?

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Romantic am I?