Will You Survive Quiz :0


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Created by: ben 2.o
  1. It is midnight. You and your friends are watching televison while your parents are sleeping. What do you watch?
  2. Suddenly, you hear a voice and it was not any of your friends or the TV. What do you do?
  3. In the end, you form a team. What weapon do you grab?(Remember you are still in your house)
  4. How do you find where the voice is coming from?
  5. You find where the voice is coming from. What creature is making the sound?
  6. It was a robot army!!!!!
  7. Oh no! You woke up your parents! What excuse do you use?
  8. Your parents go back to bed *PHEW*. You are kinda hungry though. What do you eat?
  9. The robot army comes closer and decide to battle them! Which chance do you pick? *CHOOSE WISELY*
  10. Do you win?
  11. Good luck!!

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