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This is MIDNIGHT: Part 4. I decided to finally make it. Part 5 may arrive soon. You have a new mate and 3 pups. Will you survive nature's casteophies? Welcome to MIDNIGHT: Part 4!

This quiz tells how long you will live in the wild. Will you survive for 1 year of 21. Take this quiz to find out. This has a bit of fantasy in it. Enjoy!

Created by: Gray
  1. Do you remember you and Angel became mates in Part 3?
  2. Did you read the description?
  3. Okay. It is summer and you have pups. They are named Moonlight, Luna, and Eclipse. Word is going around that there will be a fire. You ignore these news and go out to hunt. What do you hunt?
  4. You are about to pounce on your prey when lightning strikes. Your pack was right! What do you do?
  5. You run to your pack. But the entrance is blocked by flames. What do you do?
  6. You burst through the flames and find that everyone is still alive. Now you need to get out. How do you escape?
  7. You escape and run into the water. As you are about to jump in a Water Wolf pulls you in. You say...
  8. The Water Wolves could breathe underwater. It held you down under the water. Just as you think you are about to drown. Angel pulls you out. You say...
  9. It starts raining and the fire stops. But it becomes too rainy. A flood starts! Eclipse is swept away! So is the rest of the pack. Who do you find?
  10. The current is pulling you along. But you remember when you were being pulled by a current before. In that situation you were being carried down a waterfall current. You held on to a rock and saved yourself. You do the same. You only have Moonlight. What do you do?
  11. The flood turns into a storm. Lightning and thunder strikes. You are starving. What do you do?
  12. Finally after 2 days the water clears up. Amazingly, Moonlight survived! You search for hours before finding a blood trail. What do you do?
  13. You follow it. And it leads to Angel. "I-I'm dying Midnight", she says,"I love you", What do you do now?
  14. That's the end. Part 5 is sure to come! Bye!

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