Will you survive

This is a quiz to see how well you think, and will you survive in a disaster. Do you think you have what it takes? Or do you think you're completely not prepared.

lets find out shall we. These questions will allow us to examine if you're mentally fit or not, and be able to accurately predict if you stand a chance at surviving the odds of disaster.

Created by: J
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're driving a car traveling at 60kph in on direction. Another car is traveling the opposite direction at 90kph in the same lane. Would you
  2. If you were being robbed, would you
  3. Are you usually
  4. How smart are you
  5. Do you find this quiz amusing?
  6. In school were you the
  7. Do you possess the constitution to go as far as need be. Even past the point of hopeless, to continue trying?
  8. Do you know how to grow food?
  9. Do you want to live forever?
  10. Are you still laughing?

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Quiz topic: Will I survive