Can you survive my mind O.o? Lolz

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Welcome all to my mind its crazy odd and funny lol will you survive or will you be left In the dust hehehe find ourt on my lil quiz here nyan xats felt like being random

Prepare yourself for a weird yet awesome yourney through my mind will you survive ? Fantasy mixed with a lil comedy find your wat and dobt be afraid the bunnies dont bite but I do lol.

Created by: NellielXoX
  1. You enter an odd place with 2 doors one leading to a trap (me: cuz its more fun with a trap door lol)and the other leading to a strange world. Wich door will you choose door 1 or 2?
  2. If you chose door one you entered the strange world if not you took a detour dont worry you arrive at the world soon enough heh. You see a pretty light coming from the left and a dim light comming from the right. Which will you choose? (me:hehe)
  3. If you chose the dim light well you will be lost for a while but youll find your way soon ...maybe If you chose the left good for you . You see a weird looking house and random puzzle piesces floating in the sky green grass and blue lake with red trees with blue pokadots.
  4. Those who went to the dim lighted road you finaly make it .,if this quiz dosent make scense then good just the way I intended it anyway.. You suddenly see a fluffy fox ( me: I love foxes wee)he is wearing a key around his nek this cute creature is your way out but you must catch him and take the key from him . You...
  5. If you chase of follow it then you catch up to the fox and catch it and get the key .if not you will get the key latter on.. Its over the end.. Jk hehe you still have a long way to go you have the key but now you must find the angel Luna to help you find the silver gate. You..
  6. If you went to the silver castle then congrats but your journey through my mind is not yet finished. If you chose another pathway then itle take you bit find luna but you will get there. Luna apears to you as,a white sparkling glow apears to suround her her long blond tresses are past her waist. She gives you an amulet to guide you to the gate. You now choose obe of 2 paths the one leading to the meadow or the obe leading to a forest with odd twisted trees it gives of an eerie feeling.
  7. If yoy went to the meadow you made it well somewhat still need to pass some more tasks before you leave. If you went into the dark forest I like your stily but now your lost I might let you out who knows lol. you reach the meadow and see the silver gate you rush toward it but .. Theres a chimera infront of it you must awnser his riddles(me: my minds awesome huh?) The chimera wich was half lizard and hslf lion spoke, " My first riddle is what ctawls on all fours then on two then with three, awnser corectly and you get the next riddle"
  8. If you got the quiestion right yay if not you are stuck here for ever lolz For those who got stuck in the forest you finaly free . The chimera roars it sounds like thunder clashing. "your next riddle is What goes up at night and changes it shape every from full to new?"
  9. If you chose moon your correct the rest of you are stuck "you are almost done now to pass the gate you must give me the item luna gave you plus the key that you got from the fox"
  10. If you gave the correct items to the chimera you are now free to go the rest can too scince im so nice lol . You open the silver gate and you wake up in your room glad to be back home. Hooray Please rate and comment tell me what ya got and if you lik ed my lil world lol

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Quiz topic: Can I survive my mind O.o? Lolz