will you get married?

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Well if u want to know if your going to get married you can find out here !it only take a few minutes its fun too me ! But I hope u enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!

So u must really wanna know if utr reading this press start quiz Its fun but I had fun making it so I hope u enjoy taking it lol get itiI had fun making it I hope u enjoy taking it lml

Created by: wynter
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If your partner leaves a mess what do u do?
  2. Do you like too cuddle?
  3. If your partner doesn't feel good you....
  4. Do you like to have sex or masterbate?
  5. If u catch your partner talking to the person u don't like you....
  6. Would you cheat?
  7. Do u want kids?
  8. Its valentines day and ur partner forgets your gift u.....
  9. How many kids do u want?
  10. Was this a good fun quiz?

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Quiz topic: Will I get married?