How old will you be when you get married?

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Hey, sisters/boys!!! So, you wonder how old you will be when you marry? I will attempt to predict the correct age that you get married. Plz correct me if I'm wrong!!! . . .

I will try my best to get the age correct. If not let me know somehow... I hope that you like this quiz, and that you'll rate it... Good luck, and happy quizzing!

Created by: Faith Middlemiss
  1. How old are you?
  2. Your gender
  3. How old were your parents when they got married?
  4. Do you have siblings who are married?
  5. If your answer to the previous q' was yes, how old was he/she when they married?
  6. Do you love someone/s right now?
  7. How long have you loved this person?
  8. Do they love you?
  9. This don't make no difference in your results, but did u like this quiz?
  10. Thanks 4 doing this quiz. Couple o' quick q's that are just to test you on your knowledge about marriage.Question 1: What percentage of women married at the age of 21?
  11. Q' 2: What percentage of men married at the age of 36?
  12. Last but not least, how old do you think that you're going to be when you marry?

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Quiz topic: How old will I be when you get married?
