Whole Home Certification

Whole Home is the set of green building standards that go into every new M/I home. We take the local building code and the standards outlined in Energy Star, then we extend them with our own standards. The result is an independently certified home that's cost efficient, clean, green and healthy. Our Whole Home standards save our homeowners money and improve the quality of life year "˜round. How do we know they save our homeowners money? They're independently tested and earn a Home Energy Rating System score...or HERS index that's used to calculate estimated monthly energy savings.
This is such an exciting time for M/I Homes-with the launch of our new interactive Whole Home webpage our buyers are able to see first hand the extend of our Whole Home commitment. Are you update to date on all the Whole Home offers our homeowners? Take the time to explore our brand new Whole Home Website at Mihomes.com and then afterwards take this short quiz. Become Whole Home Certified Today!