Who would you be friends with in my family?

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Hey y’all. Are you guys looking for a new friend? Take this quiz. It’s got all my immediate family and me! Who would most likely be your friend? Let’s find out?

Do you like burgers or pizza? Red or blue? These are just a few of the question’s that I will ask you. Do you wear formal or casual? It’s all on here. Well, I better let you guys go so you have time to take the quiz. LOL!

  1. What is your fave hobby?
  2. What’s your IQ?
  3. What letter does your name start with?
  4. What’s your favorite color?
  5. What’s your gender?
  6. What is your favorite food?
  7. What’s your sexuality?
  8. Are you supportive or part of the LGBTQ+ community?
  9. Which would you prefer to wear?
  10. How old are you?
  11. Did you like this quiz?(Does not affect score.)
  12. are you athletic?
  13. are you tall?

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