Who Are You in You Circle of Friends?

Everyone has at least one friend. Fortunate people have friends that are like their family, closer then family. That's truly special if you can all love each other like that.

Everybody has a place in their circle of friends. Who are you? Do you have a place that's clear, or can you not really tell? You'll soon find out about that!

Created by: Jenna
  1. Your friends want to get some ice cream from the ice cream truck.What do you do?
  2. Your friends decide to crash at your house.
  3. You find one of your friends has a mental disorder she's been hiding. You:
  4. You and your friends accidentally set the neighbor's woods on fire. You:
  5. Your class gets a group/partnership project in school you decide to:
  6. You find an original copy of the Declaration of Independence in your attic!
  7. You accidentally text top secret information to a stranger.
  8. Who do you think you are in your circle of friends?
  9. Do you think you're a good friend?
  10. Last question!

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Quiz topic: Who am I in You Circle of Friends?