All about me only true friends can answer

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This quiz is to test my friendship with others around me if you get 90% 100% correctly that means you should be my friend or that means you are a friend or family.

My name is Finley this is about me I hope you have a much fun doing this quiz and that you can go on to go to and do more from quizzes also you can create some make your own wants to have fun with other people. It's very fun to make them for your family and friends or other random people around you.

Created by: Finley Hamm
  1. What’s my favorite color
  2. What’s my favorite song
  3. What’s my favorite clothes store
  4. How old am I
  5. What’s my favorite hair style
  6. Do I wear make up
  7. What’s my favorite makeup brand
  8. What’s my favorite pant tipe
  9. What’s my favorite hobby
  10. Do I have a phone

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